Halloween Crafts - Pumpkin and Autumn Leaves Placemats
From quick and easy craft to an extensive preschool activities, craft and games; you may fill your Halloween Special event with a one time craft session, or extend it to a week or even a month, building up to the Halloween Day celebrations.
Halloween Celebration is a day of opportunity where kids can indulge in some Halloween Crafts :
There are a few options for the placemats design:
If you live in a cold country experiencing Fall, have the kids go outside and pick some fallen leaves. (Leaves should not be so dry that they would crack up). Then press the leaves in between pages of some old unused books or magazines. Old Phone Books are ideal.
If you don't get Fall leaves easily, you can make templates of leaves and have the kids to cut and paint them. You can also buy some of these artificial colourful leaves from Dollar Store or any plant store.
Halloween Crafts like this is rather flexible. In fact, the more recycled materials you use, the more opportunity for creativity you're providing.
Here are some ideas of other recycled materials you can use: (anything that doesn't bulge)
STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS for a 20 minute session.
20 minutes or more per session.
Take the kids outdoor for a stroll. Along the way, pick up autumn leaves for the Halloween Craft project that you will be doing. Place each leaf in between pages in old phone books or magazines to dry (for 2 - 4 weeks)
If autumn leaves are not easily available, have a craft session to prepare the leaves cutting out the shapes from construction papers and painting them.
Cut out pictures of harvest, fruits, pumpkins, leaves...etc from old magazines.
If pictures are not easily available, just look for Halloween / harvest colours - brown, orange, black, green, of different shades. Cut them up into small pieces to be sprinkled all over the place mats.
Have the older or more active kids to string some of these cut outs for classroom decorations.
Kids love their pictures taken. Allow creativity from each kids as they decide where they would stand / what they would hold / how they would like to pose...etc
Spend the whole session taking as many photographs as possible. Kids can also learn to take pictures of each other. With today's digital technology, there's no fear of wastage if pictures did not turn out right. What a great way to train children to handle cameras and practice their eye coordination. Note that all pictures may not turn out right, so ensure you have taken enough so you don't have to do it again.
While taking pictures, engage other kids to decorate the classroom with black and orange streamers.
Trace the shape of the prepared pumpkin template onto the poster board. Kids may choose to use one or more. They may want pumpkins to overlap each other.
Then cut out the shapes - Kids should have learned how to use the scissors
See step by step instructions (above) for this.
Click on this link for Clean and Fun Halloween games and activity ideas
Include Arts for the Fall / Autumn during this season
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