Preschool Global
A peek at preschools around the world
Preschool Global. Take a look at other preschools around the world and tell us what your preschool is like in your country - from a teacher's perspective, or a parent / caregiver's perspective.
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You may submit a description of your preschool to share with the world through the power of internet and webpages. Perhaps you are a parent who sends your kids to a great preschool and would like to brag about it here. Write your own webpage here.
It may be a line or it may be a page. The intent is not for advertising your preschool though it may happen to be if someone from your town stumble upon it. Readers would like a glimpse of the different preschool activities in different countries.
Some ideas on what to write about:
Like the world to peek into your preschool?
How special is your preschool? Share it!
Peek into other preschools around the world
Click on the links below to see contributions from other visitors like you. Contributors are preschool founders, teachers and assistants or homeschool mums.
Little champs Not rated yet
We cannot "teach" a child to be an artist but we can help them develop
-An eye that sees
-A hand that obeys
-A soul that feels (Dr.Montessori) …
Every Child is an Individual..... Not rated yet
We all expect adults to be individuals, to have likes and dislikes, to be good at some things and not at others. If so, why should it surprise us that …
Pre-school in Ethiopia Not rated yet
Pre-school or Kindergarten concepts are not very popular in poor communities in Ethiopia, be it in town or rural areas.
Children simply stay at home …
It's a sad situation Not rated yet
My Day Care cares more about the money they get than the children.
They don't care about doing what it takes to keep the teachers there. They don't …
Preschools in Sri Lanka Not rated yet
In our school, we had removed all the desks and chairs and began to sit on mats with the kids so that teachers and students are on the same level which …
Preschools in Singapore Not rated yet
My son was in a preschool in Singapore. So here are my observations:
As compared to the preschools in the West, the school hours are long for preschoolers …
Preschool in Arizona Not rated yet
Bright Beginnings Preschool Program, LLC is an In-Home Preschool. We are fully licensed and insured and DES certified. Our low ratio allows children to …
Click here to write your own.
A note from the webmaster:
A great big THANK YOU to all of you who've submitted your descriptions of the nature of your preschools.
Appreciate greatly !! May your school flourish and that many more may be added to your care.
May your kids grow up in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and men.
And may all those who read them be blessed and encouraged by your dedication.
More Preschool Global articles to come ....
What's your story ? Share your story here If you're a parent caring for one or two preschool kids, join in and tell the world how privilege your kids are; being taken care of by the world's best teacher - you.
Besides Preschool Global ....
See Also:
Preschool Art Projects
Preschool Crafts
Preschool Activities
Kindergarten Reading Program
Math Lesson Plans
Child Development
Montessori Method
How to choose a Good Preschool
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